Office Acoustics

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Fixing poor acoustics in open-plan workspaces

In today’s modern office, open-plan layouts are the go-to choice for many businesses. If done right, they promote collaboration and create a productive atmosphere. Unfortunately, despite its positive impact on staff performance, the issue of office acoustic design is often misunderstood.

The challenge of workplace noise reduction

Modern office designs frequently feature hard, reflective surfaces such as concrete ceilings and solid flooring. While these materials are durable, they also allow sound to travel further. This can be particularly problematic in offices without partitions, where noisy distractions can reach virtually every corner.

Key issues:

  • Noise travel: Sound waves bounce off hard surfaces, spreading noise.
  • Lack of partitions: Open spaces can allow noise to move freely.
  • Distractions: Increased noise levels lead to decreased focus and productivity.
breakout area in office with a high table and stools as well as bean bags in the library section. Green baffle acoustic ceiling with feature pink circlemodern office with double height ceiling and large rectangular acoustic panels suspended form the soffit. Neutral tones of grey and whiteoffice environment with acoustic zones made from acoustic screens, desk dividers and acoustic ceiling rafts

Tips to improve office acoustics

  • Separate work teams: Position quieter teams away from busier ones to manage noise levels better.
  • Create zones: Designate areas specifically for collaboration and quiet work.
  • Strategic placement: Use plants and partitions to create barriers that reduce noise travel.
  • Acoustic absorption: Utilise a well designed acoustic panel solution to absorb and reduce sound.

Invest in employee well-being

Improving office acoustics isn’t just about reducing noise—it’s about investing in your employees’ success and well-being. By creating a workspace that minimises distractions, you’ll foster a more productive and enjoyable environment for everyone.

Schedule a free Onsite Acoustic Survey

Ready to take the next step? Book one of our free onsite acoustic surveys to identify potential issues and get tailored solutions for your office. Invest in a quieter, more productive workspace today.

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